Blog Archive

Ready for Your Stress Test? Here's How to Prepare Jul 25th, 2024

“Heart disease” may be two small words, but for people with a family history of heart issues, they can be powerful ones and perhaps a bit scary. The good news is that despite today’s sobering statistics, there’s more information, treatment options, and diagnostic testing for heart disease than ever. One...

Benefits of Proactive Varicose Vein Care Jun 1st, 2024

Do you dread the thought of swimsuit weather because of your embarrassing varicose veins? They’re not just a cosmetic concern. Over 30 million Americans suffer from venous disease, medical conditions affecting their veins. About one in three patients with venous disease have varicose veins. In this blog, our board-certified interventional...

The Value of a Wellness Checkup May 1st, 2024

You can’t seem to shake a nagging cold. The symptoms have been lingering for a couple of weeks now, so you finally make a telehealth appointment. Or perhaps you’ve been unusually tired for a while, and you just feel off, so you schedule a doctor’s visit to find out what’s...

4 Heart-Healthy Swaps for Your Diet Apr 2nd, 2024

You’d be hard-pressed to go through an entire day without seeing the term “heart-healthy.” It’s on cereal boxes and other product labels in the grocery store and even on restaurant menus. Why? Since 1950, heart disease has ranked as the No. 1 cause of death in the United States, surpassing...

The Link Between Weight Gain and Hormones Mar 1st, 2024

You go on a diet with a friend or partner, thinking that having someone to share the experience with will keep you accountable and provide a built-in support system. Then the inevitable happens – the weight seems to magically fall off of your dieting partner while you lose very little...

3 Important Benefits of Cardiac Rehabilitation Feb 7th, 2024

“Heart healthy” is a term that’s been incorporated nearly everywhere, whether you’re perusing the menu at your favorite restaurant, selecting a cereal when grocery shopping, or trying to figure out what’s the best fitness program – and for good reason. For the past century, heart disease has been the leading...

New Year, New You! Minimally Invasive Vein Procedures Make You Look Good Again Jan 1st, 2024

When it comes to attractive, healthy legs, few conditions can wreak havoc as much as unsightly spider veins or varicose veins. If their appearance doesn’t put a dent in your self-confidence, the achy throbbing sensation that may accompany them can definitely make living with them unpleasant.If you count yourself among...

Here’s Why It’s Wise to Choose Cardiac Rehabilitation After an Event Dec 1st, 2023

If you or someone you love has suffered a heart attack, you’re all too aware that surviving the coronary event is just the first of many challenges that lie ahead. In the coming months, you’ll chart new territory, learning new lifestyle habits and ditching not-so-healthy ones that you’ve picked up...

Do These Things Now to Keep Your Metabolism Strong Later Nov 10th, 2023

You’re out enjoying a meal at a restaurant. While you’re grazing through the fifth salad of the week, your rail-thin spouse is enjoying a big cheeseburger with a pile of greasy French fries. It just doesn’t seem fair.  If only there was a way to supercharge your metabolism today so...

I'm At Risk for Heart Problems — What Should I Do? Oct 1st, 2023

On a typical day, you may come across multiple references to the term “heart healthy” — from the time you pour your cereal in the morning to notes on the restaurant menu at night and almost every moment in between. And for good reason.  Heart disease is a leading cause of...

Noninvasive Procedures to Get Rid of Varicose Veins Sep 1st, 2023

More than 30 million Americans suffer from a venous disease, and about one-third of them have varicose veins. If you or someone you know has varicose veins, you’re all too aware that this venous disease not only affects the appearance of your legs, producing knotty, bulging veins, but also typically...

Here's Why High Blood Pressure Is Dangerous Aug 8th, 2023

Blood pressure is one of the vital signs that medical providers typically monitor on an ongoing basis, and for good reason. Not only is healthy blood pressure important to the healthy operation of your body, but high blood pressure, or hypertension, can also have dangerous, even life-threatening implications.  In this...

How Botox® Helps With Migraines Jul 13th, 2023

If you’re among the estimated 39 million Americans with migraines and 1 billion migraine sufferers worldwide, you’re all too aware of how much of a life interrupter this common neurological condition can be.  With the severe throbbing head pain often accompanied by sound and light sensitivity and nausea, migraines can...

What to Expect During Your Stress Test Jun 5th, 2023

Remarkably, heart disease has been the No. 1 cause of death in the United States since 1950. Coronary artery disease, the most common type of heart disease, indiscriminately affects men and women of all races and ethnicities. In fact, one person in the United States dies from cardiovascular disease every 34 seconds.  As...

Am I at Risk for High Blood Pressure? May 1st, 2023

High blood pressure is a common medical condition that affects half of the American population — an estimated 116 million adults. Although the sheer numbers may be surprising, the astounding fact is that about one-third of them don’t even know it. Their first hint of a problem may come when they have a stroke...

7 Key Health Benefits of Getting Optimal Nutrition Apr 10th, 2023

On some level, most people know that eating nutritious meals ultimately equates to healthier living. It can start to get a little nebulous, however, when you’re talking about optimal nutrition and what that means in the context of your overall health. In this blog, the highly trained registered dieticians at...

Healing Tendonitis: 7 Key Benefits of Physical Therapy Mar 8th, 2023

Whether you’re a weekend warrior, a professional athlete or a grandmother, it’s common to experience a dull ache or pain near or at a joint sometime during your lifetime. For some, the culprit is a pulled muscle or perhaps a sports injury. For others, the issue isn’t an injury but...

The Vital Role of Cardiac Rehabilitation After a Heart Attack Feb 8th, 2023

Every 40 seconds, someone in the United States suffers a heart attack. For about 605,000 patients, it’s the first heart attack, but about 200,000 people experience a recurrent heart attack.  Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, but just because you or your loved one...

6 Changes You Can Make to Manage High Blood Pressure Jan 1st, 2023

High blood pressure is a common medical condition that can have life-threatening ramifications. Today, an estimated 116 million Americans — nearly half of the general population — have hypertension. Remarkably about one-third of the people who have high blood pressure aren’t being treated for the condition because they don't even know they have...

What Not to Do If You Have an Ingrown Toenail Dec 11th, 2022

Toenails may very well be the most underrated body part. For many people, they’re nothing more than an opportunity to demonstrate individuality through a particularly creative pedicure. But toenails perform two very important functions — they create pressure on your toes that help with balance while walking, and they act like a...

3 Early Signs of Bunions and How to Slow Their Growth Nov 3rd, 2022

When you think about your overall health and quality of life, the last thing you probably think about is your feet and foot health. But when it comes down to it, mobility and your ability to stand and walk without pain are the heart of almost everything you do from...

5 Ways to Care for Your Feet If You Have Diabetes Oct 11th, 2022

Diabetes is a common medical condition. In fact, it’s so common that you’d be hard pressed to get through an hour or so of your favorite programming without hearing or seeing an advertisement about the importance of controlling it or the newest insulin pens or pumps to reach the market....

How Integrative and Functional Medicine Work Together Sep 1st, 2022

If you’re among the estimated 133 million Americans who suffer from a chronic condition such as joint pain or migraines, you’re all too aware of the frustrations and challenges just to get through one day when you actually feel good. More times than not, your treatment is focused on relieving...

How to Help Your Young Athlete Avoid an Ankle Sprain Aug 1st, 2022

In every community across the nation, parents and grandparents crowd athletic fields every season to watch their loved ones compete. For the most part, it’s a fun time to cheer on your child as they attempt to execute the things they’ve learned during practice. Then there are those moments when...

Yes, You Can Still Exercise Even When You Have a Heart Problem Jul 1st, 2022

Remarkably, every year 805,000 Americans have a heart attack. For a vast majority of them — 605,000 — the heart attack is their first, but for 200,000 of them, the event is a repeat nightmare. If you or someone you love is part of this not-so-exclusive club, you know that the days and...

Healthy Habits You Can Embrace Today (And How They Help You Lose Weight) Jun 1st, 2022

Healthy living. The concept seems so simple, but healthy living can be complex because it requires making many good choices. Unfortunately for far too many people, serious medical scares are the triggering factor that forces them to refocus and become more attentive to living a healthier life. But it doesn’t...

5 Benefits of Functional Medicine May 1st, 2022

You’re relaxing with friends or family and the next thing you know, the conversation turns to your aches and pains, and everyone starts swapping stories about medical conditions. Have you ever noticed that even though you and Aunt Sally both have asthma, your symptoms are different and your doctors are...

A Closer Look at Treating Neck Tendonitis Apr 3rd, 2022

The human body is an amazing collection of interconnected systems that, when healthy, operates like a flawlessly choreographed machine and produces movement effortlessly. But when something throws a muscle, ligament, or tendon off balance through trauma like an injury or a sprain or strain, that well-oiled machine can’t move properly,...

What Is Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy? Mar 2nd, 2022

You’ve moved to a new area and you need to change doctors. Or your favorite doctor decides to retire. Good for them, but not so good for you. You start asking neighbors and friends at work for recommendations, and you make a list of options. While doing your research, you...

How PRP Can Treat Your Heel Pain Feb 1st, 2022

Typically over the course of the average day, you take about 4,000-6,000 steps, translating to an estimated 100,000 miles over a lifetime. What’s truly impressive about these numbers is that on an average day of walking, you apply pressure on your feet to the tune of hundreds of tons —...

Nutritional Counseling for Your Weight Loss Goals Jan 5th, 2022

Whether you’re watching television, listening to the radio, or leafing through your favorite magazine, you’ll be hard pressed to avoid the multiple ads for diets, exercise programs, or healthy eating tips — especially at the start of a new year. Losing weight is big business. In fact, the weight loss market...

Choosing Functional Medicine to Find the Root Cause of Your Issue Dec 13th, 2021

About 133 million Americans suffer from a chronic condition. Remarkably, about 81 million of them are challenged by multiple conditions. If you count yourself among these patients trying to manage chronic illness, you’re all too aware of the frustration often involved in both the diagnosis and treatment of your conditions....

Am I a Candidate for Acupuncture? Nov 1st, 2021

Acupuncture is a treatment modality whose roots are steeped in traditional Chinese medicine dating back more than 2,500 years. The great-grandson of Benjamin Franklin, Dr. Franklin Baché, is believed to be the first American medical doctor to use and document acupuncture in the United States in the 1800s, but it...

Can I Prevent Diabetes? Oct 4th, 2021

An estimated 34.2 million Americans have diabetes, and 1.5 million new cases are diagnosed each year. What’s even more remarkable is that there are about 7.3 million Americans who have diabetes and don’t even know it. The sheer numbers are far from the whole story, though. If a friend or...

Life After a Heart Attack Sep 1st, 2021

Heart attack. When a doctor utters those two words to you or a loved one, it’s hard to imagine the enormous impact they’ll have on your life from that day forward.  Initially, it’s natural to try to absorb the medical explanation of what just happened and what that means to...

A Closer Look at Cardiac Rehabilitation Aug 10th, 2021

Each year, an estimated 935,000 Americans experience some sort of coronary event such as a heart attack. The American Heart Association reports that more than 30% of these patients will have a second and potentially fatal one sometime after. As sobering as these statistics are, there is hope. Just because...

How Does Physical Therapy Work? Jul 13th, 2021

Chances are you or someone you know has worked with a physical therapist at one time or another to address a mobility issue. Perhaps you suffered an injury in an accident or underwent surgery, which has affected your range of motion and is preventing you from doing your normal tasks....

The Benefits of Nutrition Counseling Jun 15th, 2021

You’re probably familiar with the expression “you are what you eat.” Nothing could be truer, but it’s not really that simple. While there’s definitely a link between how you fuel your body — namely what you eat and drink — and just how healthy you are, there are other aspects...

Understanding How a Stress Test Works May 10th, 2021

If you or someone you know has ever had to do a stress test, you may remember more about the animated discussion with family and friends after the test than the actual test itself. Admittedly, it makes great fodder for a comical story, but the medical reasons for getting a...

Why You Might Need Orthotics Apr 12th, 2021

Foot pain is one of those things that can turn an otherwise pleasant day into a painful memory. Maybe you made the mistake of breaking in those trendy sandals while taking a long trek along a trail when you should have been wearing walking shoes. Or perhaps you have heel...

The Many Benefits of Weight Loss Mar 2nd, 2021

Whether you’re online streaming your favorite cable series, listening to the radio, or watching TV, chances are you’re bombarded with ads for fitness programs, trendy diets, or some reimagined weight loss program guaranteeing you quick results.  Why? Obesity is a global public health issue, which has almost tripled since 1975....

Beyond Foot Pain: 5 Benefits of Custom Orthotics You Didn't Know About Feb 5th, 2021

The ability to stay active is more important now than ever before. Whether that means taking a walk around the block, playing nine holes with your favorite foursome, or keeping up with your grandkids, the ability to stand and move comfortably starts and ends with your feet. Foot pain can...

Suffering From a Shoulder Injury or Arthritis? Physical Therapy Can Improve Your Range of Motion Jan 13th, 2021

It’s no secret that most Americans don’t get enough exercise. In fact, more than 80% of adults in the United States simply don’t participate in the amount of physical activity that may lower their risk for developing chronic diseases and some cancers. For some people, perceived time constraint is the...

Can My Hammertoe Be Corrected? Dec 13th, 2020

At first blush, healthy feet and toes may not make the top of your list of overall wellness and health priorities — unless you suffer from a painful foot condition that interferes with your mobility or quality of life. While many podiatric issues can develop due to heredity like foot...

What Our Pritikin Intensive Cardiac Rehab Program Can Do for You Nov 1st, 2020

The terms “heart health” and “heart healthy” have become part of everyday vocabulary in the past decade or so. Whether you’re perusing the menu at your favorite restaurant, grocery shopping, or reading your box of cereal at breakfast, chances are you’re getting a plethora of information on the nutritional value...

Do You Need Behavioral Counseling? Oct 9th, 2020

During your lifetime, you will experience many things. Some of these experiences may bring feelings of desperation, depression, or hopelessness, while others bring you much love and a sense of utter euphoria. Maybe it’s the sheer diversity of experiences that make life worth living.  In any case, life can be...

How Losing Weight Affects Your Cardiovascular Health Sep 9th, 2020

Eating well, exercising, and maintaining a healthy weight are all prudent lifestyle practices that sometimes fall under the category of “easier said than done.” If they were easy for everyone, there would be no need for New Year’s resolutions or the seemingly never-ending rollout of fad diets and fitness trends. ...

Tips for Living With Plantar Fasciitis Aug 17th, 2020

Remarkably, the average person walks an estimated 100,000 miles during their lifetime. Being mobile and active for most Americans is a core quality of life standard regardless of whether you’re a professional athlete, weekend warrior, or just want to run and play with your children or grandchildren. It comes as...

What Every Woman Should Know About Heart Health Jul 16th, 2020

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is the top cause of death in the United States for both men and women. In fact, an American dies from cardiovascular disease every 37 seconds. A heart attack occurs every 40 seconds, totaling an estimated 805,000 Americans suffering...

Here's What Happens With Sclerotherapy for Varicose and Spider Veins Jun 18th, 2020

Summer is here. For most people, that means a summer wardrobe of sporty shorts and sundresses and even fun trips to the beach or lounging poolside with friends and family. Although these images conjure up positive thoughts for most people, for the women who have varicose or spider veins —...

How Good Nutrition Can Benefit Your Whole Body May 26th, 2020

The importance of eating healthy is one of the first lessons you get in life. Parents cajole and make up little stories to encourage young children to take “just one more bite” of that vegetable or meat instead of simply handing over a cookie. When children become adults, the responsibility...

Diabetic Foot Care Apr 30th, 2020

WHY IS FOOT CARE SO IMPORTANT AS A DIABETIC? When you have a diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes, routine foot care is essential... but why? Uncontrolled blood sugar levels over time will effect your feet by causing: dry/cracked skin, calluses, poor circulation, ulcers and diabetic neuropathy.   Neuropathy is nerve damage associated...

Is It Possible to Prevent Shin Splints? Apr 22nd, 2020

Whether you’re a weekend warrior or an athlete committed to exercising on a regular basis, setting and reaching fitness goals and then setting new ones is important. As you become more fit, your body can more easily reach a plateau, and it becomes necessary to take things up a notch...

Vein Disease Self Assessment Apr 15th, 2020

Take this self-assessment to see if you might be a candidate for additional screening for potential varicose veins and / or chronic venous insufficiency. If you answer “Yes” to any of these questions, contact our office at 732-846-7000 for a consultation with one of our skilled physicians!   History Have you ever...

A Common Cause of Heel Pain Mar 10th, 2020

Experiencing heel pain can require severe modifications to a patient's lifestyle. Often times, heel pain is at its worst when getting out of bed in the morning. It can also regularly occur when going to sleep at night. If you frequently present with these symptoms, you may be dealing with...

Warning Signs That You May Have Tendonitis Feb 29th, 2020

Regardless of being old or young, a professional athlete or a weekend warrior, people all seem to share a natural tendency to push themselves to perform more than they sometimes have the capability to do. Although striving to reach peak sports performance is an admirable quality, it can get you...

Stopping Hammertoes and Bunions in Their Tracks Feb 7th, 2020

Mobility without pain and discomfort is one of the characteristics that define quality of life for many people. After all, standing and walking are involved in almost every activity whether you’re working, playing nine holes at your local golf course, or chasing after your grandchildren. For this reason, keeping your...

How to get more out of your Physical Therapy treatment Jan 27th, 2020

Home Exercise Program (HEP)- The way to get more out of your Physical Therapy treatment.   Physical therapy is one of the most important parts of rehabilitation when recovering from an injury and when it comes to managing pain. Usually, Physical therapy treatments are delivered two to three times a...

7 Steps to Lower Your Blood Pressure This Year Jan 2nd, 2020

The new year is a great time to take a hard look at your health and to commit to making this year a healthier one. It’s no wonder that health-related goals top many New Year’s resolution lists. Resolutions like committing to losing weight, exercising more, and quitting smoking are perennial...

Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease with our Healthy Hearts Program Dec 12th, 2019

Did You Know? Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women.1 In the United States, someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds. Each minute, more than one person in the United States dies from a heart disease-related event.2 Heart disease costs the United States about  $200...

Myths and Facts About Heart Attacks Dec 1st, 2019

When it comes to your health, knowing what’s good for you or bad for you can sometimes be confusing. Magazines and talk shows taut the hottest new diet or exercise craze while news stories on the latest clinical research can be equally mind-boggling for consumers who simply want straightforward information...

Cold Weather and Body Ache Nov 29th, 2019

Reasons why cold weather aches & pain occur: Change in Barometric Pressure: Tendons, muscles, and any scar tissue expand and contract, and that can create pain in joints affected by arthritis. Inactivity: You might feel more pain when the weather keeps you from moving around as much as you typically...

5 Reasons Our Weight Loss Programs Work Nov 1st, 2019

At one time or another, most Americans will try to lose weight. Whether it’s just to drop a few extra pounds to fit into a new dress for your son’s wedding or it’s doctor’s orders because of your high blood pressure or risk factors for serious medical conditions like diabetes...

Your Varicose Veins May Be More Than a Cosmetic Concern Sep 30th, 2019

Do you have varicose veins? If you answered yes, you’re not alone. More than 23% of adults have varicose veins.  These large, raised veins form under the surface of your skin when the valves inside stop functioning as they should. They can develop anywhere, but they’re most common in the...

What does Whole Food Plant-Based mean? Sep 27th, 2019

What is Whole Food Plant-Based? Plant-based eating consists of eating foods that are derived from plants.  This includes a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains like brown rice and quinoa, legumes like chickpeas and lentils, and much more.  Eating whole food plant-based takes this one step further and removes...

Why You Should Never Ignore Diabetic Foot Ulcers Sep 1st, 2019

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that more than 100 million Americans are living with diabetes or prediabetes. Although you may think of the condition as a chemical imbalance where the body doesn’t process insulin properly, diabetes can have serious consequences for almost every system in the...

What's Behind the Rise in Heart Attacks Among Young People? Aug 2nd, 2019

The total number of heart attacks in the United States is lower than ever before. That’s great news, right? But don’t celebrate yet because there’s one worrisome problem: Heart attacks are increasing in young adults under the age of 40 — including those in their 20s and 30s.  Knowing what’s...