Cold Weather and Body Ache

Reasons why cold weather aches & pain occur:


Here are some tips to prevent cold weather pains this winter:

  1. Keep Moving: Daily exercises at fitness center or at home for 30-45 minute. Include strength training, cardio and flexibility exercises to keep those cold weather aches away.
  2. Stay Hydrated: With cold weather, sometimes our water consumption decreases. Water helps keep your system balanced, your joints lubricated and your system flowing. It helps in removal of wastes and helps your body run smoothly.
  3. Stay Warm: When temperatures drop, try to keep yourself warm. Take warm showers or baths, dress in layers during the day (including gloves and warm socks), use an electric blanket at night, or crank up the heat inside your home.
  4. Take it easy: Don’t strain your joints if you don’t have to. Let someone else lift those heavy boxes.
  5. Vitamin D supplement: In the winter months, we get less than necessary sunlight and we are more susceptible to being Vitamin D deficient. Vitamin D deficiency can be the reason of  muscle, bone and joint pain. Check with your Primary care physician.
  6. Last Resort: Ask your doctor about pain medications like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
  7. Make sure you take care of your health in general, like with good nutrition and getting enough sleep.


Information adopted from

Hardik Unjia, DPT

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